C’est ici! The French edition of WILLOW AND BUNNY

Wow, wow, wow - c’est ici!

It is here! The French edition of WILLOW AND BUNNY!

WILLOW AND BUNNY just released all across France, which is pretty wild to think about!

I will not lie, I am dreaming of hopping on a plane and popping into book stores, so I can “casually” find it on the shelves. I think it might be time for someone to learn French…

The cover is a bit different, and wowza is it ever gorgeous. Want to see? I made a little reel for Instagram, which I’d love to share with you. Click HERE to watch the reveal!

PS: I’m currently setting up my 2024-25 school year visit schedule, and it would be an honor to visit the grade school nearest you!

If you would be opening to introducing me to a local teacher, librarian, or principal, please let me know, either via email (for many of you who have it!) or my Contact form! I have packets of info, to get the conversation going, so the school can pick the package that works best for their building.

Thank you for considering, and happiest of fall to all!